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How to search for a node in tinyxml ? [Qt,C++]

Hi i have another question. The program needs to read an xml file, put the unit and test sections on the qtree widget with a tree hierarchy. So far i am able to write the desired sections on the qtreewidget and write the test steps when clicked on the item. But since i dont know how to make a search on the tinyxml, my code always writes the first step elements.

Here is the example of my xml file;

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
                 <Unit name="UTB_C" >
                         <Interface type="UDP" ip="" port="7000"/>
                         <Test no="1" name="GPIO_3">
                             <Step no="1" name="step1" >                        
                             <Step no="2"name="step2">                      
                 <Unit name="UTB_C" >
                         <Interface type="UDP" ip="" port="7000"/>
                         <Test no="1" name="GPIO_3">
                             <Step no="1" name="step1" >                        
                             <Step no="2"name="step2">                      

And this the code that i use to show the steps;

    QString strStep;
    strStep = step->Attribute("name");
    QLabel *label1 = new QLabel("step");
    step = step->NextSiblingElement("Step");
    y = y+15;

this is the ui of the program so far.


I want to write step of the test which the user clicks and i don't want my code to write steps when the user accidently click the parent item ( unit) but so far my program writes the first steps when user clicks any of the items. Does any one know how to search for the specific test and its step ?


  • You can use QDomElement::elementsByTagName ( const QString & tagname ) to search a specific element :

    QFile file( fileName );
    if( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) )
        qDebug( "Failed to open file for reading." );
        return ;
    QDomDocument document;
    if( !document.setContent( &file ) )
        qDebug( "Failed to parse the file into a DOM tree." );
        return ;
    QDomElement documentElement = document.documentElement();
    QDomNodeList testElements = documentElement.elementsByTagName( "test" );
    for (int i=0;i<testElements.count();i++)
         QDomElement test = testElements.item(i).toElement();
             QDomNodeList stepElements = test.elementsByTagName( "step" );
             for (int j=0;j<stepElements.count();j++)
                  QDomElement step = stepElements.item(j).toElement();