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SQL Commandline login error: sp2-0306

I'm simply trying to logon to a newly installed Oracle Database 11g Express Edition (Windows) using the "Run SQL Command Line" from the start menu. As specified on Oracle® Database Express Edition Getting Started Guide, I'm using the following commands:

SQL> connect
Enter user-name: system
Enter password: <password-for-system>

But the logon fails with the following error:

SQL> connect
Enter user-name: system
Enter password:
SP2-0306: Invalid option.
Usage: CONN[ECT] [{logon|/|proxy} [AS {SYSDBA|SYSOPER|SYSASM}] [edition=value]]
where <logon> ::= <username>[/<password>][@<connect_identifier>]
      <proxy> ::= <proxyuser>[<username>][/<password>][@<connect_identifier>]

Where am I going wrong here?


  • I resoved the error. It was an authentication problem. But shouldn't the server be more verbose and say invalid uname/password?