I have a problem working with the built in Perl Dancer serializer for JSON and JSON arrays.
I activated the serializer in the app.pl file:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Dancer;
use main;
set serializer => 'JSON';
In the module itself I tested the JSON parsing like this:
post '/test/' => sub {
my $params = request->params;
debug('Test: ', $params);
Now I wanted to make sure the JSON gets parsed as expected, so I tried using cURL to understand the way the serializer works:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000/test/ -d '{ "Name" : "foo", "email" : "bar" }'
The result was as expected:
Test: {'Name' => 'foo','email' => 'bar'}
But trying to send an array:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3000/test/ -d '[{ "Name" : "foo", "email" : "bar" }]'
Resulted in:
Test: {}
I expected the serializer to return an array reference, but it seems like it returns an empty hash. I tried using the serializer the other way around, but encoding JSONs seems to work as expected. What have I done wrong?
Thought I had code that did this but, was mistaken.
I couldn't get params to parse anything with any depth. Maybe that's by design but, not really clear to me from the documentation.
Using the from_json function directly you can parse request->body which contains the POST'd JSON string:
Note: I use'd Data::Dumper to print variable contents to try to make it a little clearer.
post '/test/' => sub {
#my @params = params ;
#my @params = request->body;
my $body = request->body;
my $j_O = from_json( $body );
#deubg( 'Test1: ' . Dumper( request->body ) );
#debug( 'Test2: ' . Dumper( request->params ) );
#debug( 'Test3: ' . Dumper( { params } ) );
debug( 'Test4: ' . Dumper( $body ) );
debug( 'Test5: ' . Dumper( $j_O ) );
[27993] debug @0.001528> [hit #2]Test4: $VAR1 = '[ { "Name" : "foo", "email" : "bar" }, { "Name" : "bar"} ]'; in /media/truecrypt1/Projects/Perl5+/Dancer/Test/lib/Test.pm l. 23
[27993] debug @0.001772> [hit #2]Test5: $VAR1 = [
'email' => 'bar',
'Name' => 'foo'
'Name' => 'bar'