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Birthday of Friend's using facebook api 2.0

I am trying to get birthday of my friends, those who have installed my sample app. Below is my code.

 new Request(simpleFacebook.getSession(), "/" + id, null, HttpMethod.GET,
                                    new Request.Callback() {
                                        public void onCompleted(Response response) {
                                            String rawResponse = response.getRawResponse();
                                            AppLog.showLog(TAG, "Friend response is " + rawResponse);

But in response there is no any "birthday" filed.

I also used simplefacebook library. Using below code

PictureAttributes pictureAttributes = Attributes.createPictureAttributes();
                            Profile.Properties properties = new Profile.Properties.Builder()
                            simpleFacebook.getProfile(id, properties, new OnProfileListener() {
                                public void onComplete(Profile response) {
                                    String id = response.getId();
                                    String name = response.getName();
                                    String birthday = response.getBirthday();
                                    String pictureUrl = response.getPicture();
                                    AppLog.showLog(TAG, "Single friend Detail: " + id + "\t" +
                                            name + "\t" + birthday + "\t" + pictureUrl);
                                    FbFriendsDao fbFriendsDao = new FbFriendsDao(LoginActivity.this);
                                    fbFriendsDao.insertFriends(new FbFriendDto(id, name, birthday, pictureUrl));

                                public void onException(Throwable throwable) {

                                public void onFail(String reason) {

                                public void onThinking() {

But it gives null in birthday filed. Please help to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.


  • As @luschn mentioned, all friends_* permissions have been removed, including friends_birthday.

    However it is still possible to get some data if:

    1. The friend you want the birthday for is also a user of your app
    2. The friend has provided the user_birthday permission (note you'll need this approved by FB)

    You can do this by adding "birthday" to the fields key in me/friends:


    Alternatively, you could simply save the user data to your own database when the user signs up and then retrieve it later, which would give you exactly the same outcome.