I have a PHP application deployed to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. But I notice a problem that every time I push my code changes via git aws.push to the Elastic Beanstalk, the application deployed didn't picked up the changes. I checked the events log on my application Beanstalk environment and notice that every time the Beanstalk issues:
Deploying new version to instance(s)
it's always followed by:
The following instances have not responded in the allowed command timeout time (they might still finish eventually on their own): [i-d5xxxxx]
The same thing happens when I try to request snapshot logs. The Beanstalk issues:
requestEnvironmentInfo is starting
then after a few minutes it's again followed by:
The following instances have not responded in the allowed command timeout time (they might still finish eventually on their own): [i-d5xxxxx].
I had this problem a few times. It seems to affect only particular instances. So it can be solved by terminating the EC2 instance (done via the EC2 page on the Management Console). Thereafter, Elastic Beanstalk will detect that there are 0 healthy instances and automatically launch a new one.
If this is a production environment and you have only 1 instance and you want minimal down time