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Testing a private prototype method in JS

I was wondering if it was possible to test a private method of a prototype in js. I suspect it's impossible but maybe someone would surprise me...

For example, suppose I have the following class restaurant:

function Restaurant() {

Restaurant.prototype = (function() {
    var private_stuff = function() {
    // Private code here

    return {


        use_restroom:function() {


Would it be possible to write a unit test for private_stuff method? I use jasmine for my unit tests, but I guess it doesn't really matter.

Thanks, Lior


  • The last time I faced something similar, I had to specifically expose private stuff, as odd as that sounds:

    function Restaurant() {
    Restaurant.prototype = (function() {
        var private_stuff = function() {
        // Private code here
        var internalMethods = {};
        if (window.exposeInteralMethods) {
          internalMethods = {
            private_stuff: private_stuff
        return {   
            internalMethods: internalMethods,
            use_restroom:function() {

    You are at risk if anyone sets window.exposeInteralMethods besides you, but sometimes one needs 2x4 debugging of the squirmware.