I am stuck on inserting data from one table into another table and exporting data into csv file using bcp
. The problem is that the csv text file contains null
instead of '' empty string.
When I insert data into a table from another table the empty string column is treated as a NULL
. Doing the bcp
command generate correct file.
I am using this command to export bcp
bcp ClientReportNewOrder out "D:\Temp\Neeraj\TestResults\oOR.txt" -c -t"," -r"\n" -S"." -U"sa" -P"123"
and this for insert data into table
insert into ClientReportNewOrder
select * from ClientReportNewOrder_import
After lots of brainstorming ,I have been found the solution.
Execute Insert
insert into ClientReportNewOrder select * from ClientReportNewOrder_import
After insert record update record by Dynamic
query like below.
SELECT @qry = COALESCE( @qry + ';', '') +
'UPDATE ClientReportNewOrder SET [' + COLUMN_NAME + '] = NULL
WHERE [' + COLUMN_NAME + '] = '''''
WHERE DATA_TYPE IN ('char','nchar','varchar','nvarchar') and TABLE_NAME='ClientReportNewOrder '
EXECUTE sp_executesql @qry
And follows above steps, I have been able to resolved the issue.
If any one have good technique for achieve same please post.