So, I have a TV Show's website, and I currently have the following tables structure (only listing the relevant columns):
Table 1 - TV Shows
Table 2 - Episodes
Table 3 - Comments
Both TV Shows and Episodes can have comments, so the "target" column specifies if it is a "TV Show" or a "Episode" comment, and the "value" column specifies its ID.
I already thought of merging both columns and using "x_ID" ("tvshow_id" or "episode_id", like: "tvshow_45" or "episode_9458").
But what I really want to know is: what is the best way to do this? With both ways I described, I can't use foreign keys (I don't know the benefit of this, but I guess it's good). And another problem is to use Laravel's Eloquent feature...
I could just create two comments tables, but I don't know if it's the only or best way...
Can someone help me manage this?
Thank you in advance.
The way it works in laravel, you use commentable_*
id, commentable_id, commentable_type, value
Then you use a polymorphic relationship, so that Eloquent handles it all for you.
If you're using migrations, laravel can generate those columns for you:
Schema::create('comments', function($table)
It'll even automatically create a composite index for you!