We are trying to use BDD to create a web service to supply data to a web page and then save the user's changes.
The story I have so far goes
Given I want the data for order number 1234
When I load the data
Then I have the data for order number 1234
What am I missing in my approach? Are user stories not appropriate for this kind of task? How do I go about formulating meaningful user stories?
As a customer
I want to see my order
So that I can check it is what I expect
Given I have entered the order number
When I Click GO
Then I should see my order displayed on the screen
Here's how I'd write what you have so far:
As a customer
I want to be able to view and change my orders
So that I can check that they're being processed as I expect and deal with them if they're not
Given I am a customer
And I have an order
When I go to the order
Then I should see the order
(I indented the way my tools seem to want me indent Cucumber, which is what I use, but that's not important.)
Here are at least some of the reasons why I'd rewrite it that way:
s are things that are true before the time period that the scenario is about, like the existence of the customer and the order. Actions during the scenario belong in When
s.When I go to the order
step can encapsulate the details of going to the screen where you enter the number, entering the number, and clicking the button.Then I should see the order
.And I have an order
establishes that there's a single order with a special relationship with the scenario, and it's good to establish a language across all your scenarios that makes that relationship clear -- I always use "the" in that case. (This is a very small point.)With those stylistic points taken care of, this is an OK scenario and I've certainly written many similar ones. To get to your real question, however:
Where Specflow-type tools really shine is when you use them to describe as complete a use case/user story as you can. For example:
Given I am a customer
And there is a product
When I go to the product page
Then I should see the product
When I add the product to my cart
And I check out
Then I should see that the order has been placed
And I should receive an order confirmation email
When I go to my orders
Then I should see the order listed
When I go to the order
Then I should see the order
When I cancel the order
Then I should see that the order has been cancelled
And I should receive an order cancellation email
When I go to my orders
Then I should not see the order listed
This is more valuable as an acceptance test, because it captures more requirements, and it's more powerful as an integration test, because it exercises more of the system, and fakes less of it. (In the short scenario we had to create an order artificially. Here we're doing it through the system.)