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Dynamically updating UI based on previous updates

I'm doing some research into practical aspects of FRP for UI's and I've been struggling with implementing the following functionality using reactive banana: based on the value of a selection box, a variable amount of list boxes are rendered which display some results. (I'm using WxHaskell.)

It was pretty straightforward to implement this using a bunch of prepared list boxes that are hidden and shown based on the result behavior, but this time I want it to create and destroy list boxes as needed, each list box linked to the results behavior.

So far I have the following ingredients:

  • an event eParam which is bound to the selection box
  • a behavior bResults :: Behavior t [[String]] defined with eParam (and stepper) which holds all the results (lists of items per list box)
  • an update function updateResultControls :: [SingleListBox ()] -> [[String]] -> IO [SingleListBox ()] which destroys or builds the list boxes based on the results. Note that the return type is in IO.

Looking at the BarTab example, I've tried to implement the following:

  • a behavior bResultControls :: Behavior t [SingleListBox ()] with the list boxes, defined as stepper [] eUpdateResultControls.
  • an event eUpdateResultControls :: Event t [SingleListBox ()] that performs the UI update. This event depends on the behaviors bResultControls and bResults. However, it also has to update the network and run IO, so I suspect Moment and execute will be involved. This is where I got stuck.

My latest attempt is this:

    bResultControls = stepper [] eResultControls
    bResultControlsUpdate = updateResultControls <$> bResultControls <*> bResults

  eResultControls <- execute $ FrameworksMoment . liftIO <$> (bResultControlsUpdate <@ eParam)

But I get the following type error:

Couldn't match type `m0 [SingleListBox ()]'
              with `forall t1. Frameworks t1 => Moment t1 [SingleListBox ()]'
Expected type: IO [SingleListBox ()]
               -> forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t [SingleListBox ()]
  Actual type: IO [SingleListBox ()] -> m0 [SingleListBox ()]
In the second argument of `(.)', namely `liftIO'
In the first argument of `(<$>)', namely
  `FrameworksMoment . liftIO'
In the second argument of `($)', namely
  `FrameworksMoment . liftIO <$> (bResultControlsUpdate <@ eParam)'

I suspect this will involve trimming some behaviors, or perhaps I'm going about this entirely the wrong way.


  • After some more reading and experimenting I got it to work with some careful trimming and refactoring (as hinted at by Heinrich):

    networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
    networkDescription = do
      eParam <- choiceSelection cParam
      let bResults = results <$> stepper x eParam
      bResults_ <- trimB bResults
          bResultControls = stepper [] eResultControls
          mkResultControls :: [SingleListBox ()] -> [[String]] -> FrameworksMoment [SingleListBox ()]
          mkResultControls cs rs = FrameworksMoment $ do
            slResults <- liftIO $ updateResultControls cs rs
            bResults <- now bResults_
            sequence_ [sink sl [items :== (!! i) <$> bResults] | sl <- slResults | i <- [0..]]
            liftIO $ do
              let n = length rs
              set f [clientSize := sz (150 * n) 200]
              set pResults [layout := fill $ boxed "results" $ row n (map (fill . widget) slResults)]
              refit f
            return slResults
        eResultControls <- execute $ (mkResultControls <$> stepper [] eResultControls <*> bResults) <@ eParam
      return ()

    (Just got a little bug now where the event fires before the behavior updates but that should be easy to fix.)