I'm new to Postgres, coming from MySQL and hoping that one of y'all would be able to help me out.
I have a table with three columns: name
, week
, and value
. This table has a record of the names, the week at which they recorded the height, and the value of their height.
Something like this:
Name | Week | Value
John | 1 | 9
Cassie| 2 | 5
Luke | 6 | 3
John | 8 | 14
Cassie| 5 | 7
Luke | 9 | 5
John | 2 | 10
Cassie| 4 | 4
Luke | 7 | 4
What I want is a list per user of the value at the minimum week and the max week. Something like this:
Name |minWeek | Value |maxWeek | value
John | 1 | 9 | 8 | 14
Cassie| 2 | 5 | 5 | 7
Luke | 6 | 3 | 9 | 5
In Postgres, I use this query:
select name, week, value
from table t
inner join(
select name, min(week) as minweek
from table
group by name)
ss on t.name = ss.name and t.week = ss.minweek
group by t.name
However, I receive an error:
column "w.week" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Position: 20
This worked fine for me in MySQL so I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong here?
This is a bit of a pain, because Postgres has the nice window functions first_value()
and last_value()
, but these are not aggregation functions. So, here is one way:
select t.name, min(t.week) as minWeek, max(firstvalue) as firstvalue,
max(t.week) as maxWeek, max(lastvalue) as lastValue
from (select t.*, first_value(value) over (partition by name order by week) as firstvalue,
last_value(value) over (partition by name order by week) as lastvalue
from table t
) t
group by t.name;