I am trying to mimic the half-screen camera as exists in apps like Taptalk. The goal is to have a live camera in a self-contained view on the upper half of the screen controlled by a Cordova plugin, with the lower half of the screen containing the normal HTML-based Cordova content.
I know the standard cordova camera plugin allows you to bring up the fullscreen camera component, and I know that doing this natively, at least on iOS would be relatively straightforward, but I'm really not sure where I would start trying to do this in a cross-platform way within a larger phonegap app (via Ionic).
I'm guessing I need to write a custom Cordova plugin ala this excellent article, but the main conceptual issue I'm worried about is that I think I'd have to use a view positioned and sized to only fill the top half of the screen, as opposed to a fullscreen ViewController (focusing on iOS for now).
Does anyone have any advice for implementing this approach?
I ended up writing my own Cordova plugin, SnapsCamera.
It uses a half-screen-sized view with UIImagePickerController's UIView added as a subview.