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activationData not getting passed in durandal

I am using durandal version 1.1. From compose binding I am passing some extra parameters through activationData. But the child viewmodel does not get the value. It is always received as undefined in the activate method.

<div data-bind="compose: {
                        model: 'testmodel',
                        activationData: {data : 10},
                            activate: true



The activate method looks like:

define(['durandal/app', 'durandal/system', 'durandal/plugins/router', 'services/logger', 'services/datacontext', 'config'], function (app, system, router, logger, Datacontext, config) {

var testmodel= function () {

    var vm = this;

    vm.activate = function (activationData) {
        logger.log('View Activated',
               null, 'test', true);
 return testmodel;


Also added activate to prototype but that does not work as well:

 define(['durandal/app', 'durandal/system', 'durandal/plugins/router', 'services/logger', 'services/datacontext', 'config'], function (app, system, router, logger, Datacontext, config) {

var testmodel= function () {

    var vm = this;
testmodel.prototype.activate = function (activationData) {
        logger.log('View Activated',
               null, 'test', true);

 return testmodel;



  • I solved the problem. I am using durandal 1.1 version. There is a tryActivate function in composition.js file which makes a function call as shown below:

    function tryActivate(settings, successCallback) {
        if (shouldPerformActivation(settings)) {
            viewModel.activator().activateItem(settings.model).then(function (success) {
                if (success) {
        } else {

    Only viewmodel parameter was passed to activateItem as seen above. I also passed the activationData parameter from there as below:

    viewModel.activator().activateItem(settings.model,settings.activationData).then(function (success) {
                if (success) {

    Now, the activate method in testmodel as seen in the question gets the value 10 in activationData parameter.