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Getting file path within dos batch file within for loop

I'm trying to create a batch file that will go into a directory and look for log files and then search the log files to see if the word "ERROR:" is in the start of a line. That part I have figured out. My issue now is trying to create a display row to show what directory i'm in with *.log after it.

For example




ERROR: Temp error



ERROR: This is an error


This is the code i'm currently using

Set _OutFile=c:\temp\check_error.txt
If Exist "%_OutFile%" Del "%_OutFile%"
For /F "Tokens=* Delims=" %%I In ('Dir /b "c:\temp\*.log"') Do (
 Echo.---------- %%~I
Findstr /B /C:"ERROR:"  "%%I">>"%_OutFile%"

This will only produce

---------- TempData.log

It doesn't show the main path or the files path.


  • Change this line:

    Echo.---------- %%~I

    to this:

    Echo.---------- %%~fI