I'm using Sphinx together with autodoc and numpydoc extensions to generate a documentation of a pretty complex package. I run into one problem inside that auto-generation:
Let's say I have a package with two modules calculator.py
and math.py
Inside the calculator.py
, I have definded a class, which assigns a function from the math.py
module as a standard variable:
class Calculation(object):
def some_calculation(some_variable,calculate=math.multiplication)
In my sphinx documentation, I include this class using the autoclass extension similar to
.. autoclass:: some_package.calculator.Calculation
In my documentation, the function now shows up as a pointer, rather than the name:
some_calculation(some_variable,calculate=<function multiplication at 0x2b8882ef7f50>)
Is this something, I can change in the Sphinx configuration, so that my output looks like:
Add a docstring to some_calculation
where the first line is the signature that you want:
class Calculation(object):
def some_calculation(self, some_variable, calculate=math.multiplication):
"""some_calculation(some_variable, calculate=math.multiplication)
More text...
Reference: http://sphinx-doc.org/ext/autodoc.html#confval-autodoc_docstring_signature