I am monitoring the power of a laser and I want to know when n consecutive measurements are outside a safe range. I have a Queue(Of Double)
which has n items (2 in my example) at the time it's being checked. I want to check that all items in the queue satisfy a condition, so I pass the items through a Count()
with a predicate. However, the count function always returns the number of items in the queue, even if they don't all satisfy the predicate.
ElseIf _consecutiveMeasurements.AsEnumerable().Count(Function(m) m <= Me.CriticalLowLevel) = ConsecutiveCount Then
' do other things
A view of the debugger with the execution moving into the If
Clearly, there are two measurements in the queue, and they are both greater than the CriticalLowLevel
, so the count should be zero. I first tried Enumerable.Where(predicate).Count()
and I got the same result. What's going on?
Of course the values are below the CriticalLowLevel, which I had mistakenly set to 598 instead of 498 for testing. I had over-complicated the problem by focusing my attention on the code when it was my test case which was faulty. I guess I couldn't see the forest for the trees, so they say. Thanks Eric for pointing it out.
Based on your debug snapshot, it looks like both of your measurements are less than the critical level of 598.0, so I would expect the count to match the queue length.
Both data points are <= Me.CriticalLowLevel.
Can you share an example where one of the data points is > Me.CriticalLowLevel that still exhibits this behavior?