I have a database the I am rebuilding the table structure was crap so I'm porting some of the data from one table to another. This data appears to have been copy-pasted from MSO product so as I'm getting the data I clean it up with htmlpurifier and some str_replace in php. Here is the clean function:
function clean_html($html) {
$config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);
$html = $purifier->purify($html);
$html = str_replace(' ',' ',$html);
$html = str_replace("\r",'',$html);
$html = str_replace("\n",'',$html);
$html = str_replace("\t",'',$html);
$html = str_replace(' ',' ',$html);
$html = str_replace('<p> </p>','',$html);
$html = str_replace(chr(160),' ',$html);
return trim($html);
However, when I put the results into my new table and output them to the ckeditor I get those three characters.
I then have a javascript function that is called to remove special characters from the content of the ckeditor too. it doesn't clean it either
function remove_special(str) {
var rExps=[ /[\xC0-\xC2]/g, /[\xE0-\xE2]/g,
/[\xC8-\xCA]/g, /[\xE8-\xEB]/g,
/[\xCC-\xCE]/g, /[\xEC-\xEE]/g,
/[\xD2-\xD4]/g, /[\xF2-\xF4]/g,
/[\xD9-\xDB]/g, /[\xF9-\xFB]/g,
/\u2013/g, /\u2014/g,
var repChar=['A','a','E','e','I','i','O','o','U','u','N','n',' ','\t','','-','--','(c)','(r)','*',"'","'",'"','"','...'];
for(var i=0; i<rExps.length; i++) {
for (var x = 0; x < str.length; x++) {
charcode = str.charCodeAt(x);
if ((charcode < 32 || charcode > 126) && charcode !=10 && charcode != 13) {
str = str.replace(str.charAt(x), "");
return str;
Does anyone know off hand what I need to do to get rid of them. I think they may be some sort of quote.
Your character encodings are all out of whack. � is indicative to me of a three-byte UTF-8 encoded character.
Some things you need to discover
It looks like HTMLPurifier's default is UTF-8 so you really need to be aware of the encoding of your data!