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Ember App Kit: Set Resolver outside of Ember.Application.create()

To keep it short:

Is it possible to set up the Resolver of the application outside of the Ember.Application.create() block?

Ideally, I would like to set the Resolver in a Ember.Application.initializer#initialize() function. Something like:

import CustomResolver from 'appkit/utils/resolver/custom';
import CustomAjax from 'appkit/utils/ajax/custom';

  name: 'resolver_setup',

  initialize: function (container, application) {
     // NOTE: For an unknown reason (unknown to me!) I can't import CustomAjax in CustomResolver...
     application.set('Resolver', CustomResolver.create({ajax: CustomAjax.create({})});

Is this possible?

P.S.: The reason why I need a custom resolver is, that I'm fetching all templates from the server instead of delivering them to the user on application start. Therefore I'm extending the ember-jj-abrams-resolver which is used by default within EAK...


  • I don't think initializers can help you to set a custom Resolver, according to the source code, container is been set earlier than any initializers, resolver is a property of container.

    You set the Resolver property inside initializer, but this will not be used by the process of set up the container. I think the right way is to reopen the Ember.Application and set the Resolver before create the Ember.Application.
