I have the following query and am trying to show the Category name(s) in the index view. I can verify in LinqPad that the category is getting filled for each post.
I have tried @item.PostCategory
which shows System.Collections.Generic.HashSet1[be_Categories]
while @item.PostCategory.FirstOrDefault.CategoryName
throws Object reference not set to an instance of an object
. And I can verify that each post has the correct number of categories associated with it via @item.PostCategory.Count
How exactly do i show the value of be_Categories for each post in the index view?
Public Function SelectAll() As IQueryable(Of PostSummaryDTO)
Implements IPostRepository.SelectAll
db = New BetterBlogContext
Dim posts As IQueryable(Of PostSummaryDTO) = db.be_Posts.OrderByDescending
c.be_Categories).Select(Function(s) New PostSummaryDTO With {.PostId = s.PostRowID,
.PostDateCreated = s.DateCreated, .PostText = s.PostContent, .PostGuid = s.PostID,
.PostSummary = s.Description, .PostCategory = s.be_Categories, .PostTitle = s.Title,
.PostIsPublished = s.IsPublished, .PostTag = s.be_PostTag})
Return posts
Partial Public Class be_Posts
Public Property PostRowID As Integer
Public Property BlogID As Guid
Public Property PostID As Guid
Public Property Title As String
Public Property Description As String
<AllowHtml> Public Property PostContent As String
Public Property DateCreated As Date?
Public Property DateModified As Date?
Public Property Author As String
Public Property IsPublished As Boolean?
Public Property IsCommentEnabled As Boolean?
Public Property Raters As Integer?
Public Property Rating As Single?
Public Property Slug As String
Public Property IsDeleted As Boolean
Public Overridable Property be_PostTag As ICollection(Of be_PostTag)
<ForeignKey("be_Categories")> Public Overridable Property be_Categories As ICollection(Of be_Categories)
Public Property be_PostCategory As ICollection(Of be_PostCategory)
End Class
Ok this seems to work - needed a second for each loop in the index view:
@For Each x In item.PostCategory
The whole code:
<div class="row">
@For Each item In Model
@<div class="col-xs-6 col-sm-6 col-lg-6 col-md-6">
<div class="panel panel-default panel-body content">
<b>@item.PostDateCreated.ToShortDateString <span class="pull-right">@item.PostDateCreated.AddHours(3).ToShortTimeString</span></b>
@For Each x In item.PostCategory
<div class="galleryImgWrapper">
<a href="@Url.Action("Details", "Posts", New With {.id = item.Id, .title = BetterBlog.Core.Helpers.SeoHelper.ToSeoUrl(item.PostTitle)}, Nothing)">
<h4>@Html.ActionLink(item.PostTitle, "Details", "Posts",
New With {.id = item.Id, .title = ToSeoUrl(item.PostTitle)}, Nothing)</h4>
@<div class="clear"></div>