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BackboneJS HandlebarsJS Display JSON from Spotify JSON

I want to display related artists on my Backbone View by using Spotifys API. So far so good, I managed to get the API/JSON data loaded, but I cant get it displayed in my Handlebars template yet, I get an empty HTML template and I dont know what I'm doing wrong?!?

Here is my Backbone Collection:

ArtistRelated.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    url: function() {
        return '';
    parse: function(artists){
        return artists;

And my Handlebars HTML:

{{#each this}}
  <img src="{{images.url}}" alt="{{name}}">

The API I took as an example:

What am I doing wrong?


  • Ok I solved it myself:

    After adding/changing the parse method of the collection into:

    parse: function(response){
        return response.artists;

    and the Handlebars template:

    {{#each this}}
     <img src="{{this.images.[0].url}}" alt="{{}}">

    it now works! :-)