I am running a pig script trough Oozie. The script uses a UDF.
The UDF gets its parameters like this:
public Float exec(Tuple input) throws IOException {
if (input == null || input.size() == 0)
return new Float(0);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(UDFContext.getUDFContext().getJobConf());
String firstModel = input.get(1).toString();
InputStream firstModel = fs.open(new Path(firstModel));
In the Oozie debug, the ingoing parameter seems to be ok:
in the script itself it looks like this:
%DEFAULT firstModel_firstscript 'somedefaultstuffthatisntused/firstmodel.bin';
myUDF(document, '$firstModel_firstscript', '$secondmodel_firstscript', '$lastmodel_firstscript') AS score;
The same results go for
myUDF(document, '${firstModel_firstscript}', '${secondmodel_firstscript}', '${lastmodel_firstscript}') AS score;
in STDERR it reads:
ERROR 2078: Caught error from UDF: my.domain.udf.myUDF [File does not exist: /user/cloudera/firstmodel_firstscript
note that it isn't the directory that I should have passed.
I'm at a loss here.... Hope I explained my situation clear enough.
I found that I was passing hadoop settings in my script the wrong way.
set xyz firstmodel_firstscript;
instead of
set xyz $firstmodel_firstscript;
even tough the values were already set via %default, this is still the way to do it.