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NSCalendarUnit flag to set all flags

The following will create an NSDateComponents object containing day and weekday but not hour:

var today = NSDate()
var gregorian = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar)
var flags: NSCalendarUnit = .DayCalendarUnit | .WeekdayCalendarUnit
var components = gregorian.components(flags, fromDate: today)

// valid
// invalid

In order to have hour, I would have to |-in the .HourCalendarUnit like this:

flags = flags | .HourCalendarUnit

Is there a flag to specify all flags? Or do I just have to manually | them all in if I want an NSDateComponents to have them all?

Alternatively, and ideally, I would like to just be able to say today.hour without using NSDateComponents at all. Does such a class exist?


  • NSCalendarUnit can be initialized with an UInt, so this gives you all possible components:

    var today = NSDate()
    var gregorian = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar)
    var flags = NSCalendarUnit(UInt.max)
    var components = gregorian.components(flags, fromDate: today)

    A today.hour method does not exist because the calculation cannot be done without knowing the time zone to use for the conversion.

    Update for Swift 2:

    let gregorian = NSCalendar(calendarIdentifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)!
    let flags = NSCalendarUnit(rawValue: UInt.max)