I'm working on a half-finished website created by another person who I cannot contact and I need to finish it.
There are some sections of code where a method from a custom object is called. I need to determine how these methods work and modify them.
How can I track down these class definitions for this site?
I have ftp access to the site, but I can't seem to connect through Visual Studio 2012's ftp option.
I am currently just pulling the source files one at a time.
Since I don't have the site opened as a project in Visual Studio, the classes are not recognized.
The site works on the development server so the classes must be defined somewhere. But in VS, they appear as undefined.
In an ideal situation, you would have a local project / solution directory so you can make changes to the project and compile them (then push a compiled / optimized version out to the site).
Failing that, you can use a tool such as Agent Ransack to search for instances of the class definition without the aid of Studio.
Here is a link to the software: http://www.mythicsoft.com/agentransack