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Merge Multiple Files - ThisShouldNotHappenError - neo4jclient c#

Trying to make a Cypher request which should create (or merge) files and create a relationship to a given root Folder (which may doesn't exists yet). There is a uniquness constraint on :FILE(fullpath) and :FOLDER(fullpath). The Code I have written looks like this:

     async public void createFiles(File[] files, Folder rootFolder)
         var query = client.Cypher
             .Merge("(root:FOLDER {fullpath: {newRoot}.fullpath})")
             .Merge("(file:FILE {fullpath : {newFiles}.fullpath})")
             .Set("file = {newFiles}")
             .CreateUnique("root -[:CONTAINS]->(file)")
             .WithParam("newFiles", files)
             .WithParam("newRoot", rootFolder)
         await query.ResultsAsync;

But it throws an Neo4jClient.NeoException: ThisShouldNotHappenError: Developer: Andres claims that: Need something with properties exception. I think the Exception is thrown by the second .Merge. Isn't it possible to merge multiple nodes with an array as parameter? Is it a bug or is it my smelling code?

neo4j 2.1.3


  • fadanner,

    Assuming all of the underlying parts are present in the parameters, you can do what you want by changing your query to this:

    var query = client.Cypher
        .Merge("(root:FOLDER {fullpath : {newRoot}.fullpath})")
        .ForEach("(newFile IN {newFiles} | MERGE (file:FILE {fullpath : newFile.fullpath}) SET file = newFile CREATE UNIQUE (root)-[:CONTAINS]->(file))")
        .WithParam("newFiles", files)
        .WithParam("newRoot", rootFolder)

    I'm not a neo4jclient guy, so I may have some part of the syntax wrong, but this equivalent works with REST (at least I think its equivalent).

    :POST /db/data/cypher
        {"query":"MERGE (n:Foo {name : {prop1}.name}) FOREACH(prop IN {prop2} | MERGE (m:Goo {name :}) SET m = prop CREATE UNIQUE (n)-[:HAS]->(m))", "params":{"prop1":{"name":"cat"},"prop2":[{"name":"boo","gleek":"math"},{"name":"oob","gleek":"spit"}]}}

    Grace and peace,
