Trying to wrap my head around how to correct my code. I have the idea up, but I get stuck during the implementation.
when I step through the code below, I can reconstruct part of the BST from a pre-order traversal. But at some point, I will have function call like:
which results in a leaf not being assigned. I do yet know how to correct this.
I have seen other threads on this topic, but want to iron out my issue so I can really learn this concept of rebuilding the BST.
public static Node recon(int[] preOrd,int start,int end){
if (start==end){
return null;
Node root = new Node (preOrd[start]);
int div=start;
for (i=start+1;i<=end && preOrd[i]<preOrd[start];i++){
Node left= reconstruct(preOrd,start+1,div);
Node right= reconstruct(preOrd,div+1,end);
root.setLeft= left;
return root;
Turns out this is pretty straightforward. Just needed to correct my thinking on the updating of leaf nodes..
public static Node recon(int[] preOrd,int start,int end){
Node root = new Node (preOrd[start]);//declare the new node
if (start>end){ //this is illegal, so return null
return null;
if (start==end){
return root;
int div=start;
for (int i=start+1;i<=end preOrd[i]<preOrd[start];i++){
Node left= reconstruct(preOrd,start+1,div);
Node right= reconstruct(preOrd,div+1,end);
root.setLeft= left;
return root;