I have two dictionaries Dic A & Dic B. Dic A & Dic B have same keys . I would like to move the values in both the dictionaries into a new dictionary (with Value from Dic A being the key in new dictionary). I couldnt figure out a way in merging or intersecting the two dictionaries to get a new one. What would be the right approach in getting the desired output
Dic A
A1 Val 1
A2 Val 2
A3 Val 3
Dic B
A1 Cat 1
A2 Cat 2
A3 Cat 3
Desired Result
Dic C
Val 1 Cat 1
Val 2 Cat 2
Val 3 Cat 3
That sounds like a join on the two original ones, followed by a conversion:
var merged = dicA.Join(dicB, pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Key,
(a, b) => new { Key = a.Value, Value = b.Value })
.ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);