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Facebook permissions error 200

We've created an app which has the following permissions:

"App Info": is live "Status and review page": is live

It has the following permissions:

  • App Details - English (UK)

  • email

  • manage_pages

  • public_profile

  • publish_actions

  • user_friends

Again all approved.

So why could it possibly be that the app reports errors and returns the following error: "(#200) Permissions error".

We cannot see for the life of us what we could possibly be missing. This is a v2 app which has been created in the last month.




  • Ok - I cannot claim credit for this one it was a colleague but the issue was that the old SDK was calling getLoginUrl. This function has the FB permissions as part of the call which have changed - we had publish_stream, but now we need publish_actions. Thanks for all help and I hope someone finds this useful.