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PHP: grabbing multiple files types using GLOB

i've been looking around SO for an answer, but I quite can't figure out why my code isn't working. I'm trying to grab all picture files from a directory (multiple file extensions, jpg,gif,png,etc) and put it in an array. The problem is with my GLOB code, it only grabs 1 jpg image (the same one every time), despite others being in there.

 $imagesDir = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\TV\images';
 $images = glob($imagesDir . '/*.{jpg,png,gif,jgeg,svg,bmp}', GLOB_BRACE);
 $images2 = glob($imagesDir . '/*.*', GLOB_BRACE); 
 $images3 = glob("C:\inetpub\wwwroot\TV\images.{*jpg,*png,*gif,*bmp,*jpeg,*svg}",      

I was trying to put the path into the glob command itself, but I couldn't work the syntax.

$images only grabs only a specific jpg file (despite all 7 being jpg though) in the array. $images2 successfully grabs all images in the array (but includes all types of file paths). $images3 straight doesn't work.

My only guess is that the $images only grabs a 1 file and then calls it quits. I was wondering why it wasn't grabbing all of pictures in the directory.

Edit: Putting it in a foreach loop still doesn't work:

foreach (glob($imagesDir . '/*.{jpg,gif,jgeg,svg,bmp}', GLOB_BRACE) as $filename) {
    array_push($images, $filename);

returns the same image (it is 'always' IMG_8646, despite others jpg images being in there).


  • Best to use an interator DirectoryInterator, here's a code snippet:-

    $valid_ext = array("jpg", "gif", "jpeg", "svg", "bmp"); // valid extensions
    foreach (new DirectoryIterator($imagesDir) as $fileInfo) { // interator
        if (in_array($fileInfo->getExtension(), $valid_ext) ) { // in $valid_ext
            echo $fileInfo->getFilename() . "<br>\n"; // do something here