I've been experimenting with iterparse to reduce the memory footprint of my scripts that need to process large XML docs. Here's an example. I wrote this simple script to read a TMX file and split it into one or more output files not to exceed a user-specified size. Despite using iterparse, when I split a 886MB file into 100MB files, the script runs away with all available memory (grinding to a crawl at using 6.5 of my 8MB).
Am I doing something wrong? Why does the memory usage go so high?
#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import argparse
import codecs
from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse, tostring
from sys import getsizeof
def startNewOutfile(infile, i, root, header):
out = open(infile.replace('tmx', str(i) + '.tmx'), 'w')
print >>out, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
print >>out, '<!DOCTYPE tmx SYSTEM "tmx14.dtd">'
print >>out, roottxt
print >>out, headertxt
print >>out, '<body>'
return out
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-m', '--maxsize', dest='maxsize', required=True, type=float, help='max size (in MB) of output files')
parser.add_argument(dest='infile', help='.tmx file to be split')
args = parser.parse_args()
maxsize = args.maxsize * 1024 * 1024
nodes = iter(iterparse(args.infile, events=['start','end']))
_, root = next(nodes)
_, header = next(nodes)
roottxt = tostring(root).strip()
headertxt = tostring(header).strip()
i = 1
curr_size = getsizeof(roottxt) + getsizeof(headertxt)
out = startNewOutfile(args.infile, i, roottxt, headertxt)
for event, node in nodes:
if event =='end' and node.tag == 'tu':
nodetxt = tostring(node, encoding='utf-8').strip()
curr_size += getsizeof(nodetxt)
print >>out, nodetxt
if curr_size > maxsize:
curr_size = getsizeof(roottxt) + getsizeof(headertxt)
print >>out, '</body>'
print >>out, '</tmx>'
i += 1
out = startNewOutfile(args.infile, i, roottxt, headertxt)
print >>out, '</body>'
print >>out, '</tmx>'
Found the answer in a related question: Why is elementtree.ElementTree.iterparse using so much memory?
One needs not only root.clear(), but node.clear() at each iteration of the for loop. Because we're processing both start & end events, though, we need to be careful not to remove tu nodes too soon:
for e, node in nodes:
if e == 'end' and node.tag == 'tu':
nodetxt = tostring(node, encoding='utf-8').strip()
curr_size += getsizeof(nodetxt)
print >>out, nodetxt
if curr_size > maxsize:
curr_size = getsizeof(roottxt) + getsizeof(headertxt)
print >>out, '</body>'
print >>out, '</tmx>'
i += 1
out = startNewOutfile(args.infile, i, roottxt, headertxt)