I've been able to get flexslider module + library to work on local dev instances of core drupal in the past, but when I try to enable/configure for acquia cloud, it inserts the images as li's but does not animate them
The steps I've taken- -Installed/enabled the flexslider module on my local dev environment -downloaded and installed the latest flexslider library from github into docroot/sites/all/libraries/flexslider/ -git added/committed/pushed the changes to acquia cloud -enabled the module in the acquia cloud dev environment -edited the 'basic page' content type to use a flexslider field -created a basic page with a few images in that field
As stated above, the images get inserted as list items but do not get animated. It seems like the module is being invoked, but the flexslider js files are not being included in the .
The page in question: http://acquiacloudwwedev.devcloud.acquia-sites.com/
Boneheaded mistake on my part - In the default option set for FlexSlider, I had the "Move" field set to 0. This apparently makes it not animate. Changing it to "1" resolved it.