In the Typhoon documentation, it shows you how to patch out a component for the purposes of executing integration tests.
The example goes:
TyphoonPatcher* patcher = [[TyphoonPatcher alloc] init];
[patcher patchDefinition:[assembly knight] withObject:...];
The line [patcher patchDefinition:[assembly knight] withObject:...];
doesn't type check for me:
Parameter type mismatch: Interface 'Knight' is not a successor of 'TyphoonDefinition'
This makes a lot of sense, since knight
is defined like so:
@interface MiddleAgesAssembly : TyphoonAssembly
- (Knight*)knight; // Returns a TyphoonDefinition, actually.
... the return type definitely isn't TyphoonDefinition
I'm not sure whether this is because
p.s. who made up these examples... they're terrible!
This is a oversight in Typhoon's API. In fact that method for patching will be deprecated in favor of:
[patcher patchDefinitionWithSelector:@selector(myController) withObject:^id{
return myFakeController;
The reason for deprecating that method is outlined in this answer. We'll fix the type issue, but the method will be deprecated all the same.
As for the examples: They were borrowed from seminal 12th century text on dependency injection written by a monk named Adlard Humfridus. Its quite a poignant and touching work - I cried when the Knight had his sword patched-out with a chainsaw, and was able to rescue the damsel after all. Unfortunately some of the finer subtleties were lost in translation from the original Latin.