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Specific glob pattern not matching after broad exclude

I am using Gulp as a build process and I have recently run into some problems with page-specific files injection (through gulp-inject fyi).

Some context: I am grabbing all the HTML files, and then go over them one at a time so I can use their filename to include specific files into the glob collection, for example for index.html I have:

    'export/assets/js/libs/jquery*.js',    // jQuery first
    'export/assets/js/libs/*.js',          // Followed by all the libs
    'export/assets/js/*.js',               // Followed by any other js file
    '!export/assets/js/view-*.js',         // Excluding all view-* files [see note]
    '!export/assets/**/_*.js',             // Excluding underscore prefixed files
    '!export/assets/js/ie*.js',            // Excluding all IE libs
    'export/assets/js/view-index*.js'      // Including page specific file

[note] There might be more page-specific files, eg. view-profile.js or view-contact.js but in this iteration, only view-index.js can be included.

The above collection is then gulp.src()'d and processed, only, view-index.js never makes it into the stream..


I accepted the answer below because it pointed out that what I had wasn't going to suffice in achieving my goal. I found a work-around where I pass in export/assets/js/**/*.js and filter out what I don't need through gulp-ignore.


  • Since minimatch doesn't explicitly support negate globbing patterns, most libraries implement something like "collect all the negations, now call minimatch on the rest, now apply all the negations." See (Note glob-stream is used by vinyl-fs which is exposed as gulp's src.)