I'm trying to create a table that looks like this, using the python-docx module.
Working from the example code for creating a table in example-makedocument.py and reading through the code in docx.py, I thought something similar to this would work:
tbl_rows = [ ['A1'],
['B1', 'B2' ],
['C1', 'C2' ] ]
tbl_colw = [ [100],
[25, 75],
[25, 75] ]
tbl_cwunit = 'pct'
body.append(table(tbl_rows, colw=tbl_colw, cwunit=tbl_cwunit))
however this corrupts the docx document, and when Word recovers the document the table is shown as this:
How can I get a row to properly span multiple columns using python-docx?
I added a merge_cells() function to the row class of python-docx, that can merge any cells on a single row. I'm hoping it will get included in python-docx. In the meantime, you can grab it from my github "merge_cells_feature" python-docx branch.
I'm copying the example I wrote on the pull request here for reference:
from docx import Document
doc = Document()
table = doc.add_table(6,6)
header_row = table.rows[0]
# args can also be passed to merge_cells(mergeStart, mergeStop) in order to
# implement any kind of merge on the same row, such as:
table.rows[1].merge_cells(0,3) # This will merge the cells indexed from 0 to 2.