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Liferay portlet with freemarker and spring

I am developing simple portlet for liferay portal(v6.2) using spring portlet mvc(v3.2.9) with FreeMarker template engine(v2.3.14). I use portlet and aui taglibs to create pages

<#assign portlet=JspTaglibs[""]> 
<#assign aui=JspTaglibs[""]>

Those tags works in most cases but I have problem with following code

<@aui.form action="${editPreferencesUrl}">
    <@aui.model-context bean="${myBean}" />
    <@aui.input name="name"  />
    <@aui.input name="surname" />

I get following exception

javax.portlet.PortletException: org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: View rendering failed; nested exception is freemarker.core.NonNumericalException: Error on line 8, column 11 in preferences.ftl
Expression aui.model is not numerical
Expression context is not numerical

I was following this tutorial

The problem is @aui.model-context definitely. How to use this tag in free marker?


  • Like <@aui['model-context'] bean=...>. (Because, is equivalent with foo['bar'], and the thing after @ is just a generic FTL expression.)

    BTW, are those "${expression}"-s necessary? Do you have to convert to string there? Because otherwise you should just write action=editPreferencesUrl and such.