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Rails Migration Successful, But Not Showing up in Model?

I can't figure out why my migration worked but doesn't show up in corresponding model...

  1. Ran a migration to add field to a table:

    def up
      add_column :quick_tests, :trace_route_data, :text, :null => true
    def down
      remove_column :quick_tests, :trace_route_data
  2. Looked in schema.rb, and it's there.

  3. Added :trace_route_data to attr_accessible in QuickTest model

  4. Opened up rails console by doing bundle exec rails c, ran and I can see the :trace_route_data field.

But, when I execute the same statement when paused in the QuickTestController#show method, the field isn't there.

Why is this field showing up in the rails console but not my actual app??


  • I suspect something went wrong during the migration such that it never got applied to the database. Rails uses the actual schema in the database to build model objects, so the fact that your model doesn't show the change means the change is almost certainly not in the database (despite being in the schema.rb).

    I'd recommend you rollback your migration and run it again in verbose mode. This should either show you the error, or at least show you the SQL being run. In that case, you can run the SQL manually at the db console and see what happens then.