For some sensitive data I decided to store it AES-encrypted on disc. I've implemented the encryption using PyCrypto.
Furthermore, the data is important, and the stored encrypted data will be my only copy of it (backups aside), so I looked for some means of retrieving the data without using PyCrypto to have a fallback given the possibility that PyCrypto is not longer available to me (for whatever reason that may be).
I thought mcrypt could be an option.
This is my test case to get some ciphertext written:
import Crypto.Cipher.AES
import sys
pwd = 'qwertzuiopasdfgh'
mode = Crypto.Cipher.AES.MODE_CBC
aes = pwd, mode )
text = 'asdfghjklyxcvbnm'
sys.stdout.write( aes.encrypt( text ) )
I redirected the output to a file
and tried decryption by
mcrypt -d -b -k qwertzuiopasdfgh -a rijndael-128 -m CBC
but the resulting file out
has zero bytes size, unfortunately.
I hope there is a combination of options to mcrypt to make this work…
Why is it important to be able to recover without PyCrypto? You can simply fire up a VM with the old OS and the old release of PyCrypto, export your data, and re-encrypt with a different algorithm and implementation.