I have problem with subselect in mysql. In table restaurants I have field "sup" where I have IDs separated by comma. Basic select:
mysql> select name, sup from restaurants LIMIT 5;
| name | sup |
| Pizzerija in špagetarija Buf | 2,14,18 |
| Restavracija Center | 5,22 |
| Restavracija Viola | 5,13,17 |
| Gostilna Anderlič | 5,17 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I want to know the field "SI" from table suply for IDs in sup.restaurants table. So my select for that is:
mysql> SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(suply.SI SEPARATOR ', ') FROM `suply` WHERE id IN (2,14,18);
| Italijanska, Špagetarija, Picerija |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
So I wrote select with subselct but doesn't work well:
mysql> SELECT restaurants.name,
-> (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(suply.SI SEPARATOR ', ') FROM `suply` WHERE id IN (restaurants.sup)) AS hrana
-> FROM restaurants
-> LIMIT 5;
| name | hrana |
| Pizzerija in špagetarija Buf | Italijanska |
| EJGA - KAVARNA - RESTAVRACIJA - PUB | Mednarodna kuhinja |
| Restavracija Center | Slovenska domača |
| Restavracija Viola | Slovenska domača |
| Gostilna Anderli? | Slovenska domača |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Why in this select I get just first string?
Use FIND_IN_SET function to search in comma separated list
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(id, restaurants.sup)