ive got an error in a hybrid app build with cordova phoneGap 3.3. The error is only shown on a device with ios7 (maybe only iOS7+iphone4) Its about a Text input. By touching the input the keyboard will shown up -> nice. But the cursor focus is not shown in the input field. Typen text has no effect at this moment. Clicking the input field twice the cursor will appear and typing workds well know.
I hope that is enough informations to reproduce that tricky error.
Solution for iOS 7.0.0 > 7.0.2 is none
This Bug was an native one and cant be fixed by adding "meta-tags". As I said before, height=device=height
is no solution for my app. Scrolling-Y is allowed!
iOS 7.0 comes up with a lot of Errors arround "input cursors". All of those are fixed in 7.0.3. No way to fix this without editing "native object C codes".