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WebStorm velocity template engine

I have trouble creating a JavaScript template in WebStorm, which is using velocity template engine.

The final document I am trying to get looks like this:

app.service('Name', ['$http', function($http) {
 var singularUrlbase = apiurl + 'SingularName';
 var pluralUrlbase = apiurl + 'PluralName';

 this.get = function(id){
   return $http.get( singularUrlBase + id );

I am trying with this template:

#set ( $url1 = 'singularUrlBase + "/" + id')
#set ( $url2 = "singularUrlBase + '/' + s.Id")

app.service('${NAME}', ['$http', function($http) {

    var pluralUrlBase = apiurl + '$pluralName';
    var singularUrlBase = apiurl + '$singularName';

    this.get = function(id) {                        
        return $http.get( $url1 );

The problems are:

  • It displays return $http.get ( $url1 ) instead of return $http.get( singularUrlBase + id );
  • I don't know how to ignore $http, WebStorm is asking me to setup $http variable, but I don't want to.


  • To escape a $ symbol in jetbrains apps templates, you need to write ${DS} as shown in the docs

    template code

    Should look like this:

    #set ( $url1 = 'singularUrlBase + "/" + id')
    #set ( $url2 = 'pluralUrlBase + "/" + id')
    app.service('${NAME}', ['${DS}http', function(${DS}http) {
        var pluralUrlBase = apiurl + '$pluralName';
        var singularUrlBase = apiurl + '$singularName';
        this.get = function(id) {
            if (this.get > 1) {
                return ${DS}http.get( $url1 );
            else {
                return ${DS}http.get( $url2 );


    file name: young_people
    pluralName: child
    singularName: children


    app.service('young_people', ['$http', function ($http) {
        var pluralUrlBase = apiurl + 'child';
        var singularUrlBase = apiurl + 'children';
        this.get = function (id) {
            if (this.get > 1) {
                return $http.get(singularUrlBase + "/" + id);
            else {
                return $http.get(pluralUrlBase + "/" + id);

    Note: your syntax was a bit wrong, I fixed the two last lines ;).