I am using German Visual Studio Professional 2012 and 2013 on a German Windows 7. According to the MSDN documentation (e.g. http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/ms182240.aspx, http://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/library/bb264474.aspx etc) I would expect that this code
class myClass // Complete nonsense
{ // - I only want to raise code analysis naming rules violations
public int addintegers(int a, int b)
checksum++; ;
int Sum = a + b;
return (Sum);
static int X = 1;
static int x = 2;
int checksum;
int multipart;
public static int addplus(int y)
return x + X +y;
will generate several code analysis warnings when I select the ruleset "Microsoft All Rules". However, I get no name rules violations in the code analysis.
Can someone please tell me what I missed? Thanks.
You only get Naming Rule violations on public types. It assumes you don't really care about internal code, only about your public types that other people may consume.