I was trying to figure out how to implement a Visitor pattern in Hack. It obviously requires function-overloading polymorhism, but as I have tested, this examle:
<?hh // strict
class Visitor {
public function visit(string $s) : void {}
public function visit(int $i) : void {}
produces the usual PHP's
Fatal error: Redeclared method Visitor::visit in hh-polymorphism.php on line 4
And since this failed, then I would like to ask if there are plans to support this in future? Or are there any factors that would prevent this from being implemented?
We almost certainly will not be able to have overloading in Hack, as I explained in this feature request. You can see there for a detailed answer, but the crux of the issue is that it would totally break interoperability with vanilla PHP, or even partial mode -- you need full type information in order to actually resolve the overload, which we can't promise we have except in 100% strict mode. (There are other reasons too, see that link.)
For your example, you can always do something like this, taking advantage of mixed
and Hack's flow sensitivity:
<?hh // strict
class Visitor {
public function visitString(string $s): void {
// ...
public function visitInt(int $i): void {
// ...
public function visit(mixed $m): void {
if (is_int($m)) {
} else if (is_string($m)) {
} else if (...) {
} else {
invariant_violation('Unexpected type in visitor: %s', gettype($m));