I'm new to rails and I'm using the has_scope gem to help me filter a list to display as a table. I have the has_scope gem setup fine and working for basic parameters (search string, etc.)
How can I get has_scope to recognize the parameters passed in from a collection_select?
I'm doing...
<%= collection_select(:param_val, "company_name", Food.all, :company_name, :company_name, {}, {:multiple => true}) %>
Which passes the URL as
And it doesn't filter, just returns the whole list. If I manually adjust the URL to...
Then it works fine. So I need to pass ONLY the company_name value, not the entire hash name, but I'm struggling on what I need to change.
For anyone else who runs into this issue, I wasn't able to solve it using the has_scope gem. In my controller I just did this instead...
if @company_filter_list.any?
@filtered_foods = @all_foods.companies(@company_filter_list)