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devtools::document vs roxygen2::roxygenize

Some time ago i've read somewhere that devtools::document is better than roxygen2::roxygenize for "complex packages/sitations" (this is what i remember), but unfortunately i can't find the link now and i didn't deepen at that time.

Looking at respective help pages it's not clear to me how, so my question is: if sometime it's better to use devtools::document rather than roxygen2::roxygenize, when it's the case? for which kind of packages?

Thanks, Luca


  • You're recalling the roxygen2 README:

    Roxygen does a live analysis of your source code: it loads all the code in your package, so it can create documentation using values in an R environment, not just source code. However, simulating package loading is rather tricky to do in general, so there are two ways to do it with roxygen:

    • roxygen2::roxygenise() just sources all files in the R/ directory

    • devtools::document() sources all files in the R/ directory, compiles source code in the src/ directory, loads data in the data/ directory and generally does an accurate job of simulating package loading.

    If you have a simple package, you can use roxygenise(), but for anything more complicated, I recommend that you use document().

    You can see this distinction in that document calls roxygenise (by way of devtools:::document_roxygen3) after doing a bunch of other stuff:

    > document
    function (pkg = ".", clean = FALSE, roclets = c("collate", "namespace", 
        "rd"), reload = TRUE) 
        if (!is_installed("roxygen2", 3)) {
            stop("Please install latest roxygen2", call. = FALSE)
        pkg <- as.package(pkg)
        message("Updating ", pkg$package, " documentation")
        man_path <- file.path(pkg$path, "man")
        if (!file.exists(man_path)) 
        if (clean) {
            file.remove(dir(man_path, full.names = TRUE))
        if (!is_loaded(pkg) || (is_loaded(pkg) && reload)) {
            try(load_all(pkg, reset = clean))
        document_roxygen3(pkg, roclets)
    <environment: namespace:devtools>
    > devtools:::document_roxygen3
    function (pkg, roclets) 
        with_envvar(r_env_vars(), with_collate("C", roxygen2::roxygenise(pkg$path, 
            roclets = roclets, load_code = pkg_env)))
    <environment: namespace:devtools>