I have a problem where I want to filter model resourse based on a field and show that particular queryset to the requesting client_id.
I am using tastypie v0.10.0 with django 1.6.5 and swagger UI for documentation.
In Example model I have stored information related to all clients and want to show the data belongs to the particular client based on client id. I have filters fields in Example model based on which I can create queryset for particular client.
class Resource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Example.objects.all()
resource_name = 'example'
authorization = DjangoAuthorization()
detail_allowed_methods = ['get',]
authentication = OAuth20Authentication()
Please suggest me the best way to implement the above scenario. Thanks in advance.
Here is the solution I came out with.
import provider.oauth2
from provider.oauth2.models import AccessToken
class Resource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = Example.objects.all()
resource_name = 'example'
authorization = DjangoAuthorization()
detail_allowed_methods = ['get',]
always_return_data = True
authentication = OAuth20Authentication()
key = bundle.request.GET.get('oauth_consumer_key')
if not key:
key = bundle.request.POST.get('oauth_consumer_key')
if not key:
auth_header_value = bundle.request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION')
if auth_header_value:
key = auth_header_value.split(' ')[1]
token = verify_access_token(key)
>>>>> token.user this contains username
>>>> come out with the proper conditions through which you can create queryset
queryset = Example.objects.filter(field=condition)
return queryset