I'm very new to haskell and I just can't seem to understand this code:
data Tree a = Empty | Leaf a | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
-- animals tree
animals :: Tree String
animals = Node "elephant"
(Node "bat"
(Leaf "aardvark")
(Node "cow"
(Leaf "chicken")
(Node "hare"
(Node "fox"
(Leaf "goat"))
(Leaf "jackal"))
Specifically, creating that data type its more complex than simple data types I attempted in class. The animals function creates the tree but how does it utilize that type to do so?
Then traversing it with this function:
traverse :: (Tree a) -> [a]
traverse Empty = []
traverse (Leaf x) = [x] --leaf returns list of 1 item
traverse (Node x left_sub_tree right_sub_tree) =
(traverse left_sub_tree) ++
[x] ++
(traverse right_sub_tree)
I'm not sure how this code works, probably because I'm not sure how that data type allows us to make trees. What I can't see is basically the "links" beteen the type creates and how this algorithm uses those function types to create a tree.
Help to understand this would be incredible, thanks!
The data type defines a tree recursively. A tree is composed of cells, each of which can be either "Empty", a "Leaf", or a "Node". The "Node" case has 2 children which are trees as well, this is the recursive definition. The idea is that a tree can either be empty, or a single element, or a single element attached to two other trees.
The traverse
code also works recursively. If it encounters the empty tree, it returns an empty list. If it encounters a single element, it returns it. If it encounters a "Node", then it runs recursively for the two subtrees, and then combines the results with the ++