My website is: It's a fixed width, non-responsive page. How do I make it fit into full screen when viewing from iphone ? Tested on browser desktop under windows, ipad, and android. All can fit in nicely into full screen. But it failed when tested using browser under mac or iphone. A horizontal scroller appear in iphone or browser under mac.
For the note, the width I'm using is 1903pixel. I read that the default iphone width is 980pixel. I also read that, when the width is bigger than 980pixel, usually it will be automatically scale down to fit the screen. So the elements will becomes smaller, but no horizontal scroller appear. Which is that is what I'm trying to achieve. I've trying using viewport metatag, but no luck with the result.
Appreciate any help on this. Thanks.
Finally got it to work. Here is the code. I wrap the body with fit-wrap. Hope it helps other with similar issue:
app.fn.autofit = function() {
// initial fixed width
var minW = 1903;
if ($(window).width() < minW) {
var ratio = $(window).width() / minW;
// For chrome and safari, use zoom
var detect = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if((detect.indexOf('chrome') + 1) || (detect.indexOf('safari') + 1)) {
$(document.body).css('zoom', ratio);
} else {
// Other browser that doesn't support zoom, use -moz-transform to scale and compensate for lost width
$('#fit-wrap').css('-webkit-transform', "scale(" + ratio + ")");
$('#fit-wrap').css('-moz-transform', "scale(" + ratio + ")");
$('#fit-wrap').css('-ms-transform', "scale(" + ratio + ")");
$('#fit-wrap').css('transform', "scale(" + ratio + ")");
$('#fit-wrap').width($(window).width() / ratio + 10);
} else {
$(document.body).css('zoom', '');
$('#fit-wrap').css('-webkit-transform', "");
$('#fit-wrap').css('-moz-transform', "");
$('#fit-wrap').css('-ms-transform', "");
$('#fit-wrap').css('transform', "");
// init autofit
// Resized based on screen size
app.el['window'].resize(function() {