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How can I control the size of a CCScrollView?

When using a CCScrollView I would like to be able to limit the viewable area to a certain bounding box. How can this be achieved?

Setting the content size does not affect the viewable area.


  • So I found what seems to be a reasonable way to do this. There was some code on the cocos2d forum for clipping an area using GL_SCISSOR:

    -(void)visit:(CCRenderer *)renderer parentTransform:(const GLKMatrix4 *)parentTransform
        CGPoint positionInWorldCoords = [self convertToWorldSpace:ccp(0, 0)];
        CGFloat contentScaleFactor = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] contentScaleFactor];
        positionInWorldCoords = ccpMult(positionInWorldCoords, contentScaleFactor);
        [renderer enqueueBlock:^{
            glScissor(positionInWorldCoords.x, positionInWorldCoords.y, self.contentSize.width * contentScaleFactor, self.contentSize.height * contentScaleFactor);
    } globalSortOrder:0 debugLabel:nil threadSafe:YES];
        [super visit:renderer parentTransform:parentTransform];
        [renderer enqueueBlock:^{
        } globalSortOrder:0 debugLabel:nil threadSafe:YES];

    So I subclassed CCScrollView and added this method. I ended up having to tweak the coordinates a bit to get the exact right clipping area. Seems like a clunky answer so I hope someone has a better answer.