I'm a little confused why an input of '2'
to the raw_input
prompt still gives not int error after eval (see code below)
correctInput = False
while not correctInput:
raw_n = raw_input('Enter a non-negative number: ')
print raw_n, 'before eval'
n = eval(raw_n)
print n, 'after eval'
except NameError:
print 'Wrong entry (NameError) ... try again'
except SyntaxError:
print 'Wrong entry (SyntaxError) ... try again'
except NotImplementedError:
print 'Wrong entry (NotImplementedError) ... try again'
if type(n) != int:
print 'Wrong entry (not int) ... try again'
print 'Correct input'
correctInput = True
The output looks like:
Enter a non-negative number: '2'
'2' before eval
2 after eval
Wrong entry (not int) ... try again
Enter a non-negative number: 3
3 before eval
3 after eval
Correct input
However, if I check on terminal
>>> x = eval('2')
>>> type(x)
<type 'int'>
>>> type(x) == int
Any ideas what is going on?
If you enter '2'
at the raw_input
prompt - literally apostrophe, 2, apostrophe - you don't get the 1-character string '2'
, as you would if you typed that into Python source code. You get a string whose contents are the 3 characters apostrophe, 2, apostrophe. eval
evaluates that as Python source code, producing the string '2'
Instead of typing '2'
, type 2