How can I solve a netlogo error like
Extension exception: invalid cell size on line 5
When I try to load an AsciiGrid (.asc) raster with :
set slope gis:load-dataset "data_carto/DTMBanyulsEPSG2154/small_slope.asc"
I have find the github extention code (line 88) but I don't realy understand how it work
The header of my asc file :
ncols 346
nrows 270
xllcorner 3.087906007412
yllcorner 42.451833343014
dx 0.000106344549
dy 0.000106459930
0 27.467638015747070312 31.712091445922851562 35.38886260986328125 36.1437835693359375 36.798412322998046875 36.798412322998046875 36.37$
0 26.552234649658203125 31.561212539672851562 35.23743438720703125 35.762996673583984375 35.20586395263671875 35.20586395263671875 34.34$
0 27.206226348876953125 29.196367263793945312 30.581308364868164062 29.855892181396484375 29.219537734985351562 29.219537734985351562 29$
There is somthing wrong ?
Finaly I have find where my error come from ... :-) @Eric Russell was of course right!
my error come from the gdal transformation of my tif file to asc file...
After the 1.9 version (I believe) we need to add a special option in the gdal_translate
commande ! -co FORCE_CELLSIZE=TRUE
with :
gdal_translate -of "AAIGrid" -b 1 -co FORCE_CELLSIZE=TRUE DTMBanyulsEPSG2154/small_slope.tif DTMBanyulsEPSG2154/small_slope.asc
It work and the header is :
ncols 321
nrows 250
xllcorner 3.087906007412
yllcorner 42.451920815321
cellsize 0.000114626835