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Import stl script blender

What I am trying to do is import a .stl model into blender using a script (in python). I have tried using the command below but I can't seem to get it to work. The problem is I don't know the format of the "Filepath", "files", and "directory" part of the command.

bpy.ops.import_mesh.stl(filepath="", filter_glob="*.stl", files=None, directory="")

Can someone please show me how to get this working; that is all I ask.

bpy.ops.import_mesh.stl(filepath="C://Users//Dom//Documents//DomCorp.//mymodel.stl", filter_glob="*.stl", files=None, directory="")

When I write this I get this errror:

TypeError: Converting py args to operator properties:  IMPORT_MESH_OT_stl.files expected a each sequence member to be a dict for an RNA collection, not str

Since I am fairly new to programming I don't know what it means so can someone help and explain it and possibly come up with a fix?? :)


  • I have managed to work this out!! :D

    This seems to work:

    bpy.ops.import_mesh.stl(filepath="C://Users//Dom//Documents//DomCorp.//mymodel.stl", filter_glob="*.stl",  files=[{"name":"mymodel.stl", "name":"mymodel.stl"}], directory="C://Users//Dom//Documents//DomCorp.")